A Practice of Movement
Call to Practice
This practice will center around movement. Much of Jesus’s ministry was depicted as being done along the road. The road, whether walked, ridden, or driven can be a powerful place to meet the Divine. When the body is occupied, our spirits are free to explore.
The Setting
Jesus met two men on the road to Emmaus. They were talking quietly, their shoulders spoke of sorrow and disbelief, their feet shuffled and tripped, kicking up a confusion of dust.
“Hey, guys! What’s up?”
They stopped, indifferent. He was breathing hard from the exertion of catching up to them. They couldn’t see the gleam in his eye. They couldn’t see the smile edging around his mouth. They felt awkward in their sorrow, but they were too tired to outpace him, and he didn’t seem interested in letting them fall behind. The road swept them all up, unwilling companions on the road. As the miles piled up around them and their clothes turned the dusty-grey of the road, he listened. The steps pulled the words from them as their story of grief, guilt, and disappointment littered the roadside.
Long after, after he had spoken to them, after they had broken bread with him, after he had left, they shook the dust out of their robes and rejoiced.
Truly, something had happen along the road.
Opening Prayer
Spirit of God, who hovered over the chaos of the waters, meet me in the chaos of movement. Meet me on the way. Teach me the lessons of the journey. Give me the courage to face the openness of each moment and pay attention to the movement of the Spirit.
Lighting the Candle
I light this candle to remind me that God was born into a body, walked on feet, told stories, and smiled at the taste of honey. May I honor my journey and the journeys of others as I follow the example of Christ who journeyed with his disciples.
I confess that I have not paid attention to the journey. I confess that I have chosen to distract myself rather than see what God is doing around me. I embrace the moment and the journey.
First Reading
Day 1: Acts 9:3–6
Day 2: Luke 24:13–16
Day 3: Psalm 30
Day 4: Isaiah 30:15–22
The Inquiry
Journal through these questions. A simple sentence or word is sufficient.
In what ways did you experience or observe God today?
In what ways did you feel distant from God today?
How would you like to grow in your relationship with God today?
After you complete your journaling, write or speak the following blessing:
“(Your name), in the name of Jesus Christ know you are beloved of God.”
The Act of Response
Day 1: Breathing—Breathing Meditation
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Breathing Meditation
Day 2: Walking/Riding—take an easy, familiar walk or ride. As you move, on the outward journey, repeat this centering mantra: Here I am...I am here. On the return journey, repeat this decentering mantra: Show me how to see. When you reach your destination, return thanks for the journey.
Day 3: Dancing—turn on music that makes you move, go somewhere where you will be able to dance freely, and, for the duration of one song, dance. If you cannot dance on your feet, dance with your hands, eyes, voice, or breath.
Day 4: Stretching—the practice of yoga is an ancient way of connecting the participant to their breath and body. Here is a video that shows a sun salutation. Try to allow yourself to completely focus on the movement of your body. When you finish the movement, continue quiet breathing, and try to feel the connection you have created with your body. There might be a wisdom you find in your body. This might not be communicated as language.
Second Reading
Day 1: The Rebirthing of God, Chapter 4
Day 2: The Rebirthing of God, Chapter 4
Day 3: The Rebirthing of God, Chapter 4
Day 4: Simple Harmony, Chapter 9
Closing Prayer
God of the journey, I thank you for the dust from which you called me into being, the dust which coats me as I follow in your footsteps, and the dust that I wash from my feet in joyful remembrance of how my heart was stirred along the way.
In the name of the Word through whom all was created,
May the blessing of the incarnation be embodied in you, and may you find strength in knowing that God created you in love.
Other Resources
"The Road and the End" by Carl Sandburg
“On Openings and Energy,” Alexander Shaia on the RobCast Podcast
“Whirling Dervish” at TEDx-video
“Trauma, the Body, and 2021,” Bessel van der Kolk on the OnBeing Podcast