Missional Wisdom Foundation

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Wrestling Until

By Ryan Klinck

Instructions: For this week’s article we are doing something a bit different. Grab yourself a sheet of paper or copy the instructions and sentences into a word document. As you are prompted, fill in the blank or answer the question.

To wrestle is to claim our place in God’s creation,
Because all of God’s creation wrestles...
The seed with the earth
The butterfly with the cocoon
The child with the parent

[Fill in as many examples as you can think of here]

Wrestling is an affirmation that we are alive and in relationship with God and God’s creation.

Stop. Be Still. Breathe in… and out…root yourself in the Trinity.

Ask yourself out loud, “What am I wrestling with this Lent?”

Listen and trust what rises up…

Write—I am wrestling with… [ Fill in Here ]


Ask yourself out loud, “What is my body wrestling with?”

Listen and trust… how does your body respond? What is it trying to tell you?

Write—My body is wrestling with… [ Write Here ]


Ask yourself out loud,“What is my mind wrestling with?”

Listen and trust… what is taking up space in your mind? What keeps you up at night?

Write—My mind is wrestling with … [ Write Here ]


Ask yourself out loud, “What is my heart wrestling with?”

Listen and trust… what holds your heart hostage? What is the heart’s desire?

Write—My heart is wrestling with… [ Write Here ]


Ask yourself out loud, “What am I wrestling with God about?”

Listen and trust… what is your first reaction? How does God respond to this question?

Write—I am wrestling with God about… [ Write Here ]


We wrestle until…

We release

Ask yourself out loud, “What do I need to release?”

Listen and trust… what is longing to be released from within you?

Write—I need to release… [ Write Here ]

Breathe in… Breathe out…

Raise your hands up in a cup,

Imagine you are holding all your struggles

Slowly, when you are ready, release them to God

And let them float to the ground.