2024 Iona Pilgrimage Deposit

2024 Iona Pilgrimage Deposit


Dates: June 20-29, 2024

Full Cost: $3800 per person, deposit to be paid at check out. Balanced will be invoiced.

The Iona pilgrimage is $3,800 per pilgrim including airfare, breakfast & dinner, and lodging. A non-refundable deposit of $1800 is required to lock in your place by January 31st, with the balance of $2,000 due on March 1. After March 1, participation may be possible on a space available basis.

The Missional Wisdom Foundation invites you to a spiritual practice immersion experience including a week long stay on the historic island, corporate worship at the Iona Abbey, small group spiritual practice with the Missional Wisdom Foundation pilgrims, and guidance and companioning from the Missional Wisdom Foundation’s pilgrimage guides.

The pilgrimage experience includes a spiritual practice preparatory course, guided liturgies, and post-pilgrimage spiritual direction.

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The island of Iona has long been a place of refuge for pilgrims and wanderers alike. Known as a spiritual “thin place,” Iona welcomes you in with whispers and shouts. Iona, Scotland, a Hebridean island known throughout the world as a celtic “thin place,” a place where the veil between heaven and earth is thin, is home to the Iona Community. Pilgrims worship in the Iona Abbey morning and evening, and spend the remainder of the day in unprogrammed times of rest, walking, and reflection.

Now, on that same day, two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them. -Luke 24:13b-15a

Pilgrimage is an intentional journey from the pilgrim’s context to a place of religious significance to promote spiritual growth or transformation. Pilgrimage happens in the process. It is bringing intention to where you are and receiving the grace of walking and talking.