Photo credits: Ryan Klinck

Photo credits: Ryan Klinck

About Coworking

The term “coworking” was coined by Brad Neuberg in 2005. Neuberg founded Hat Factory, a live-work space, and Citizen Space, a work-only space. A large network of coworking spaces and information can be found on Coworking Wiki. Coworking provides an open working environment that looks and feels like a coffee shop or studio and the amenities of an executive office environment: coffee, business machines, conference and meeting rooms, and Wi-Fi. Coworking spaces cover a broad range of industries including technology, arts, design, non-profits, social entrepreneurship, business and financial services. Some spaces specialize in one niche – all tech or all design.

The Grove, a coworking space in Dallas TX, served as one of the inspirations for the MWF’s coworking spaces. Ken Janke, founder of The Grove, built into the DNA of his coworking space’s culture several essential tenets that align perfectly with the values of the Reign of God.

Community: We care for our neighbors and allow them to care for us.

Contribution: Everyone has something to offer, and we each need the other.

Collaboration: Intentionally working together, supporting one another, promoting the common good.

Social Mission: In everything we do we ask, “How will this contribute to the betterment of those around me, of society, of creation, and also of myself?"

[Inspired by] The Grove, [the MWF coworking space] provides a “third space” in which to build deep and meaningful relationships with others by pouring into them and supporting them in their life-giving dreams. From these relationships then spring opportunities to help people notice and explore The Spirit at work around and within them. As people who do not know the Spirit’s fingerprints or fragrance encounter this work, they are drawn toward it “as the deer thirsts for living water.” (Ps 42) Thus both actively and passively God works in and through The Grove [and the MWF coworking space] to bring The Reign of God, beginning with the community and spreading throughout the city and around the world. Coworkers at The Grove [and the MWF coworking space] then return to their own constellation of communities (even churches) transformed and transforming because of what they have experienced in this place.
— Excerpts from Coworking and the Reign of God, by Rev. Dr. Ken G. Crawford, Senior Pastor at Central Christian Church of Dallas (former Mixologist at The Mix Coworking & Creative Space)