National Gathering
The MWF National Gathering will convene all the MWF dispersed community and Launch & Lead participants (both current and former) for a time of fellowship, encouragement, and imagining. Conference attendees will have the option to attend keynote presentations, panel discussions, and break-out sessions. Site tours, peer group collaborations, and other networking opportunities will be available as well.
Sessions will focus on the theology and practicality of alternative forms of Christian community.

The Role of Story begins
Launch & Lead class, The Role of Story in Community Development begins. (End date: 10/20/17)

Podcasting and the Art of Sacred Listening begins
Online Journey class 9/17 - 11/11 - register at journeymwf.com.

Heart of the Neighborhood
Heart of the Neighborhood: A Celebration of Community
Saturday, September 16th, 10am - 3pm
9125 Diceman Dr, Dallas, TX

Launch & Lead late registration deadline
Launch & Lead exists to equip people to Launch and Lead alternative forms of Christian community and/or support those who do. It is a two-year competency-based missional training program. Participants take online classes, receive coaching and spiritual direction, meet together for in-person gatherings, and start something new as part of a practicum.
Upon acceptance to Launch & Lead, participants are paired with an ICF-certified coach who is also an expert in our curriculum. The coach works together with the learner to create a customized learning path that matches their calling, interests, and strengths. Interested in starting a brand new intentional community? Want to support others who are doing the same? More interested in community development? Leadership? Your coach will be able to match your needs to relevant courses and learning activities that also adhere to our core competencies.
Students will participate in core online classes, monthly calls, biweekly peer group sessions, and four in-person gatherings throughout the two years. Launch & Lead is distinguished by its hybrid approach to distance education. While we take advantage of modern technology to deliver instruction digitally so that it is accessible at any time and in any location, we also recognize the importance of meeting together face to face.

Finding God in Culture: Paintings 1 begins
Online Journey class 9/11 - 10/31 - learn more at journeymwf.com

Disability, Culture, and Theology: An Introduction begins
Online Journey class 9/10 - 11/4 - learn more at journeymwf.com
Epworth House Retreat
The Epworth Project House Retreat is a time for the residents of each Epworth House to meet with residents of other houses, as well as the Epworth Abbess and Prior, to discuss and make plans for the upcoming year.
Epworth House Steward Retreat
The Epworth Project House Steward Retreat is a time for the stewards of each house to meet with the Epworth Abbess and Prior.

Launch & Lead priority registration deadline
Launch & Lead exists to equip people to Launch and Lead alternative forms of Christian community and/or support those who do. It is a two-year competency-based missional training program. Participants take online classes, receive coaching and spiritual direction, meet together for in-person gatherings, and start something new as part of a practicum.
Upon acceptance to Launch & Lead, participants are paired with an ICF-certified coach who is also an expert in our curriculum. The coach works together with the learner to create a customized learning path that matches their calling, interests, and strengths. Interested in starting a brand new intentional community? Want to support others who are doing the same? More interested in community development? Leadership? Your coach will be able to match your needs to relevant courses and learning activities that also adhere to our core competencies.
Students will participate in core online classes, monthly calls, biweekly peer group sessions, and four in-person gatherings throughout the two years. Launch & Lead is distinguished by its hybrid approach to distance education. While we take advantage of modern technology to deliver instruction digitally so that it is accessible at any time and in any location, we also recognize the importance of meeting together face to face.

Launch & Lead retreat
The WNC4 Launch & Lead cohort will be participating in it's 3rd retreat.

Creative Prayer Classes begin
Location-Based Class in Southlake, Texas - learn more at journeymwf.com

Photography as a Spiritual Practice begins
Online Journey class. 6/6 to 8/11 - learn more at journeymwf.com

Building Community through Group Leadership begins
Online Journey class 6/5 - 6/25. Learn more at journeymwf.com