Module Three: Justice
“Nothing beats kindness," said the horse. "It sits quietly beyond all things.”
-Charles Mackesy
The Lord is near.
Philippians 4:5b
Module Three: Justice
In preparation for this week's material, please find and contemplate the page bearing the quote “Nothing beats kindness," said the horse. "It sits quietly beyond all things.” in Charles Mackesy’s The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse.
What is the energy of the illustration?
How to the text and the scripture engage with each other?
How do the illustration and the quotation interact?
After you have completed the above, choose one or more of the the following:
Song: Try Everything
The Power of Missional Imagination:
Before the rise of dogmatic religion, there was an awakening of epinoia—the divine creative imagination. Groups of people (gnostics, pagan mystics, intellectuals) believed that when we activate our imagination, we’re not just fantasizing but actually partaking in the creative process of the universe as it dreams up reality. This understanding is held by many traditions, most powerfully perhaps by Australia’s Indigenous people who affirm that everything emerges from dreamtime. It’s as if, through humanity’s reflective consciousness and imagination, the unknown subject that has given rise to all that is becomes able to reflect upon and further propagate itself. A divine blessing and a deadly curse, our imagination cannot but create reality. Whenever we observe, think and imagine, we create. This isn’t something to take lightly, but an enormous responsibility.
Podcast: “Writing and Haiku as Spiritual Practice” with Tara Brach
Writing Practice with Andrea Lingle