Posts in Devotional
Receiving and Offering Grace...

Receiving and Offering Grace With One Another
The Missional Community as a Means of Grace, Week 6
Adam White

Jesus Christ practiced radical hospitality.

What does it mean to practice “radical hospitality?”

For Christ and the disciples, it meant relying upon the hospitality of others to fulfill their service and missional life. Within three of the four Gospels, Christ givesauthority to the disciples and sends them out without means or resources, asking them to rely upon the hospitality of strangers to fulfill their mission (Matthew 10:6-16, Mark 6:6b-13, Luke 9:1-6).

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Showing Up

Showing Up
The Missional Community as a Means of Grace, Week 5
Adam White

We should never underestimate the power of showing up.

I serve at a local United Methodist Church in East Dallas and have the humble opportunity to lead different classes, studies, and programs. Every week there is a Wednesday Bible study where a group of around ten to twelve older adults come and engage in discussion around scripture.

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Constant Communion

The Duty of Constant Communion
The Missional Community as a Means of Grace, Week 4
Andrea Lingle

Whoever you are, wherever you are, and whenever you are will affect how you see the world. We live in a tribal world. We are white and black, gay and straight, male and female, religious and “none,” introvert and extrovert, “in a relationship” or single, coffee or tea, Instagram or Reddit. We are a diverse species and we all fear invisibility, so we draw lines around ourselves. This is me. These are mine. This is what I believe.

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The Missional Community as a Means of Grace, Week 3
Andrea Lingle

Have you ever done a logic puzzle? You get a list of clues, make a grid, and figure out, through astounding feats of intellect and crossing off of boxes, who sat next to whom and what color shirt they had on and what they ate.

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The Missional Community as a Means of Grace, Week 2
by Andrea Lingle

I am fascinated by words. Specifically names. If you have ever read a decent fantasy novel, you will have a firm grasp of how important names are. Names give you power over a thing. You should never tell anyone your true name, or they will have power over you. If you know a thing, you will know its name. Good stuff.

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A Living Image

A Living Image of Communion
Discipleship as a Three-Legged Stool, Week 12
Adam White

Over the past three months we have been discerning what discipleship looks like from our perspective at Missional Wisdom by using the image of a stool. One leg of the stool represents community. One leg is the loving of our neighbors as ourselves. Another leg is the pouring and filling of grace that we experience in following Christ is the greatest commandment. The top of the stool and connecting factor is the missional life of faith.

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The Infinity of Now

The Infinity of Now
Discipleship as a Three-Legged Stool, Week 10
Andrea Lingle

There is power in a circle.

There is tension in a circle: an infinite number of points presses out from a central point of unity. There is balance in a circle: each of the infinite points is equally distant from the center of the circle.

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Discipleship as a Three-Legged Stool, Week 6
Andrea Lingle

There is a churchyard in central North Carolina, roughly an hour east of Charlotte, where, in early spring, the lawn is sewn entirely in dandelions. I don’t know if these dandelions were cultivated intentionally, but one of my greatest regrets is that I never stopped my car, just for one minute, to run through the seed heads.

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Discipleship as a Three-Legged Stool, Week 5
Andrea Lingle

It was a large stone; about the size of a slightly flattened egg. There were a dozen pits covering its surface. I scooped it off the shore and held it up to the sunlight, squeezing one eye shut to focus on each hole. I sighed. Not one hole went clear through. It needed more time. I hurled it back in the water.

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Love is God's Meaning

Love is God's Meaning
Discipleship as a Three-Legged Stool, Week 3
Adam White

I was frozen and numb. I had just realized my mother stopped breathing in hospice care at Arlington Memorial Hospital. She had breathed her last breath without any pain, which was a blessing considering the past eight years of her life had been a slow mental and physical deterioration due to dementia.

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Why Your Jesus is Everyone's Jesus

Why Your Jesus is Everyone's Jesus
Discipleship as a Three-Legged Stool,
Week 2
Adam White

f only the New Testament could be prefaced by:

*pastes in bible* This message is not just for you. This message is not just for your particular culture, ethnicity, race, or any other dividing line that keeps you from being in a relationship with other people; especially people who are different from you.

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Balancing Our Faith

Balancing our Faith
Discipleship as a Three-Legged Stool, Week 1
Adam White

When I was thirteen, I had to create a bridge out of balsa wood for a science class and test how much weight it could hold. As my dad and I were making the bridge I kept thinking how flimsy and weak the wood was. Thankfully, my dad is a structural engineer. Once we were done, the bridge held over 25 pounds! Our faith is similar to a well-built bridge: it requires careful precision and thoughtful detail.

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