Module Five: Trust

Exploring how both grace and healing are the unmerited work of the Divine.

The Mystic Way of Evangelism, chapter 5, "Healing the Threefold Wound"

After you have completed the above, choose one of the the following:

There is a question rippling in the waters of baptism. What do these waters mean? What do these waters do? In the waters of baptism, we experience washing and death, for baptism is a ritual that symbolizes death and resurrection, washing, and trust. Trust that the work of baptism is in the hands of the Divine. Grace is the medium of that work. Baptism is a ritual of trust that, through grace, the Divine desires to meet fully with each of us, and baptism is one way to plunge into grace.

Through grace we find that there is no destination to which we are striving, we strive. Through grace we find that there is no happiness to which we hope, we hope. Through grace we find that the purpose of love is love.

To become love.

To submit to baptism is to trust that our striving, our hoping, our love is the work of the Divine. The act of grace is that in our cycles of death and resurrection, there remains our belonging to love.

Do we, like a good choir, trust that what is being produced, the music or love, is a thing of corporate beauty?