Missional Imagination in Action

Missional Imagination in Action

Photo Credit: http://www.wfaa.com

Photo Credit: http://www.wfaa.com

by Rachel Wells

Missional Imagination is one of the most popular, most talked about courses in Missional Wisdom Foundation's online learning program, Launch & Lead. In this course, students are encouraged to actively look for places in which God is already breaking into the world, and ways in which they can join in and continue that work. It is my privilege to be married to the instructor of the course, the ever-eloquent Dr. Bret Wells, so I hear about Missional Imagination often. Bret and I also talk with our children daily about finding ways to see Jesus at work and in others.

For awhile now, I have been thinking that I should write about the Missional Imagination that I have seen in a teacher at the elementary school that my children attend. While her efforts are not overtly stated as missional, I see her exemplify a missional imagination at work daily.

Then recently WFAA news got wind of Cindy Matthews' story, and it was shared again by Good Morning AmericaInside Edition, and other news sources: 

"Cindy first shined her light during a rainstorm a couple of years ago. 'It was raining for like two weeks straight,' she said. The students were gloomier than the weather and she wanted to change that. 'It just popped in my head -- "I think I wanna put on an inner tube."’ That was all it took to bring a flood of smiles. So she kept going."

I remember that day well. And she was so right! Getting everyone ready for their day and out the door on time in the mornings is a lot of work. It is not unusual for kids to get to school (and parents to get to work) with a few arguments already under the belts. Doing it all in the rain makes things even harder. But then as we pulled up to the front of the school, Ms. Matthews was out in the pouring rain, helping kids out of cars while wearing a bright pink inner tube. You couldn't help but forget the morning's frustrations and leave with a smile. That morning, though she doesn't say it in these words, Ms. Matthews saw God breaking through and joined him in his mission of morning smiles.

When I see Ms. Matthews on the street corner with her crossing guard's stop sign, smiling and dancing at every car that drives by (whether there are kids in the car or not), I am reminded that the ways God is breaking into the world are many. Where do you see God at work? Are you willing to join? And as asked above, "Where do you currently sense God's Spirit calling you to follow?"

Read/watch WFAA's full article here.