
What Does Missional Mean?, Week 13
Andrea Lingle

Living missionally might, with all of its connection with New Monasticism and intentional community, seem impossible for those living within the confines of a school schedule and a minivan. It might seem incompatible with nine-to-five life. I want to live like a New Monastic. I want to embrace a life of intention and meaning. I have a beautiful, illustrated copy of the MWF’s Rule of Life in my entryway. But my entryway just happens to be in the suburbs. I have hanging baskets and hydrangeas. If any of you have, like me, scampered into the front yard of missional life only to pause, uncertain you belong, let me introduce you to Soce Life.

Me: *typing*>

If you go to the website for SoCe Life, one of the Missional Wisdom Foundation’s (MWF) hubs in Wichita, KS, you will find yet another definition of living missionionally. Being a good neighbor.

That’s it.

Be a good neighbor. Sink into the place where you are right now and see it missionally.

So, let’s see what good neighboring looks like. *clicks on 1. Be a Neighbor*


That seems ok. *clicks*

That’s it? Barbeque in the front yard?

What does it mean to be missional? It means realizing that the Kingdom of God is everywhere and that grace is its official language. Sometimes living missionally is learning to be intentional about your unintentional community—being where you already are, and that is something we can all do. Living missionally does not require a plan or mission statement (although those things have a place), it requires showing up and being willing to believe that God is at work in your place. Even if your place is in the suburbs.

*signs up for 52 Weeks of Neighboring*

Invitation to Missional Mindfulness:

  • What is God doing in your neighborhood?

  • Go for a walk around your neighborhood and pray that God would show you what God is doing there and how you can join in.

Our Voices:
We asked what Missional meant to you. If you would like to share your definition of Missional, please take our survey. Here is one respondent's answer.

Being available – Barbequing in the front yard provides a neighboring essential – it makes you available to those around you. Your presence in the front yard gives you a chance to have a conversation with the neighbor walking his dog or kids riding their bikes. Maybe a neighbor has wanted to ask you for some gardening tips or to borrow your crockpot. Barbequing in the front yard gives them that chance.