Posts tagged family
Model Trains and Tadpoles

Model Trains and Tadpoles!
What Does Missional Mean?, Week 11
by Adam White

What do model trains and tadpoles have in common? This newsletter article!

This week we are looking at two stories of missional living from two different communities of faith, a local church and a neo-monastic community.

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Teen Life​​​​​​​ 

Teen Life

by Rachel Wells

Teen Life is a non-profit organization in Southlake, Texas, dedicated to encouraging and equipping teenagers with life skills and strategies to live life better. Our friends at Teen Life have created a curriculum that they use in facilitated support groups to serve middle school and high school students who are in crisis or are beginning to make choices that will lead to crisis. Staff members Chris Robey and Ricky Lewis received coach training from Missional Wisdom's own Bret Wells.

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Happy Tents

Happy Tents

by Meredith Ball

Happy Tents is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting families today.  For the past few years we have been working to help families see every day life from a different view…God’s view.  When we look at our families through God’s eyes, we see God at work. 
We believe that through God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can see a glimpse of eternal life within the moments in our family life.  Each week, we write a devotional on our website to capture these moments from our tent in hopes that it inspires you to see God at work in your tent.  Sometimes God’s work is funny, sometimes it is sad and sometimes is stretches us into new relationships or understandings.  Though we do not know where God will show up in our family, we constantly know that God is at work in each of our lives individually and together. 

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