Posts tagged sustainability
The Equity Project

The Equity Project

by Todd Porter

Todd is a friend of the Missional Wisdom Foundation, who attends the Taize service led by Larry Duggins each week.

“Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” –

That being the case, it seems that our economic is perfectly designed to multiply wealth for those who have it, while holding the promise of wealth just beyond the reach of those without. I find this reality troubling and find myself under increasing compulsion to do something about it. I call that something “The Equity Project.”

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Caring Together...

Caring Together for God's Gift of Creation
The Rule of Life, Week 8
Adam White

We will honor and care for the gift of the earth and its resources, practicing ecologically responsible living, striving for simplicity rather than excessive consumption.
     -From the
MWF Rule of Life

“Debt” is a word that often makes me cringe. I think it is because throughout my life, and probably yours, there have been numerous warnings to stay away from debt. For instance, to have financial debt is to be in a lower position, having to owe money to someone or something.

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