Three years ago I began the Incarnational Study Series. I wanted to create a system of tools that could be used online and in person to develop Christian Community in an accessible way.
Read MoreWhere does this newsletter find you?
In the midst of this Coronavirus moment in history,
The Missional Wisdom Foundation has been following the unfolding events surrounding the pandemic spread of COVID-19.
Read MoreMany people are thinking about community this week. How do we create and maintain it in the age of social distancing? We are collectively learning and relearning that social and physical contact matters.
Read MoreI sat on the concrete steps to my first house. It wasn't a sitting porch, it wasn't even a rocking chair porch, it was an exaggerated stoop with enough overhang to keep postal boxes and one lonely, new mom dry.
Read MoreThe rock face was wet. Water streamed from above his head down to his feet where it just stopped. There must have been a crack or hole just where the path met the cliff wall, because the dust of the path was only slightly impeded by the waterfall.
Read MoreHow do you establish, maintain, and nurture a Dispersed Community?
This is one of the primary questions that pushes my work with the MWF.
Read More“He is around thirty pounds, with shaggy gray hair, a spotted tongue, his name is Barnaby, and I have had him for about fifteen years,” I say into the phone. “Yep, we definitely have your dog,” says the other person on the other end of the line.
Read MoreThe Missional Wisdom Foundation has a Rule of Life. Did you know that?
Read MoreI rouse to the melody of my alarm, and before my eyes can blink open and fully take in the light, my stomach tightens into knots. My dog Scout stirs, licks my hand, but she doesn’t yet rise.
Read MoreDuring the last twenty years there has been a substantial decline in overall church health as can be seen in average weekly attendance, charitable giving, and churches positioned for closing.
Read MoreI have worked as a type of missionary with an unusual people group in my own community for years. Most of my educational effort on both the graduate and post graduate level has been largely focused on how we engage this affinity group with the Christian message in a way that is restorative in nature while being both easy to appropriate and reproducible.
Read MoreI love the MWF words “alternative Christian community.” I was not brought up going to church, but as a teenager I longed for community.
Read More“Absolute distinction.”
Incommensurable worlds. Dialectically opposed. Right and wrong, black and white, in and out.
A parable, this parable, invites us into the space between incommensurable worlds.
It had just rained. I remember because my nose hadn’t yet adjusted to the new pungent odors around the table. We were all anxious for food, so the chatter was at a minimum.
Read MoreHave you ever stood in the middle of a party, telling a fascinating anecdote, only to realize no one is listening? We shrink into ourselves shocked by the sight of our revealed selves. It is a brief moment of total disconnection and exposure.
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